MORE Upcoming Figurines From Eaglemoss!

Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic we might all now be in self isolation, but at least we have some Eaglemoss figurines to look forward to in June!

Issues 177 and 178 will comprise of Judoon Captain Pol-Kon-Don from series 12's 'Fugitive of the Judoon' and Terry Molloy's Davros from season 21's 'Resurrection of the Daleks'. So not only do we have our first series 12 figurine, we also have the penultimate Davros needed to complete our lineups (if we can have a David Gooderson next please and thank you).

What came as a particular surprise to me was the second in the range of Big Finish based sets, this time based on Dark Eyes 2-4 and featuring the Eighth Doctor in his blue leather jacket and sachel (!), Liv Chenka (!!) and a Dalek. How incredible is this?! It's amazing that Eaglemoss can bring us character that otherwise have no other physical visual recreation.

All these figurines will available to order from the Eaglemoss shop and will be out this June.

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