B&M 2020: What Could We See?

With last night surprise announcement of a brand new wave of figures and the knowledge that we will be getting figures of Ryan and Yaz in a B&M set later this year. I thought it would be fun to take a look at what figures we could potentially see this year from B&M. For this list I will only be looking at straight reissues/ repaints and slight tweaks (akin to last year's Harry Sullivan which used a new head on an existing body), so characters that'd need a whole new sculpt are out of the question.

The Thirteenth Doctor Set

We already know two of the figures in this set; Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin Khan, we've seen these figures quite a lot over the last few months and, while it is a shame we aren't getting them in the wave alongside the Doctor and Graham, it is nice to know that we'll be able to complete our 2018 TARDIS team one way or another.

But what could the third figure be? The most likely option will be a variant of the Thirteenth Doctor, my guess would be either in her light blue t-shirt from 'Resolution'. But if we're thinking a little further a field what could we potentially see? The pipe-dream would obviously be the new design of Cybermen from Series 12, but as that would require a completely new sculpt the more likely option, in my mind, would be The Master from 'Spyfall' in his tuxedo. This would be quite easy to achieve by using a new head sculpt and placing it onto the 10th Doctor tuxedo body. The body itself wouldn't need any changes but perhaps to increase accuracy CO could paint the trainers black to at least give the illusion that they're shoes.

The Other Two Sets?

We don't know anything about these sets but the general consensus is that they will be classic series oriented. Last year we saw a slew of Sontarans so I think this year we'll have focus on another monster, and what I think is most likely is the Cybermen. I think a re-release of the 'Revenge' Cybermen is likely for two of the figures, probably the Cyber Leader and Cyberman. For the third figure i'd say a tweaked 4th Doctor would be most likely as the cravat could be repainted in the more accurate colours. But personally I'd like to see a figure of Sarah Jane, if for no other reason than to complete our Season 12 TARDIS team. This could be easily achieved by using the Primeval Claudia Brown body repainted in the camo colours and a new younger Elisabeth Sladen headsculpt. I think this would be a great set as it would finally give collectors a classic series Sarah Jane and give us more 'Revenge' Cybermen, figures that have become very expensive on the after market. CO could also throw in a Cybermat is they were feeling generous.

For the third set, it would be awesome if CO could give us a complete collection of classic Cybermen with the variation from 'The Wheel In Space'. It's mad to think that this is the only classic design that hasn't been made in figure form but actually it wouldn't be that hard to achieve on Character's limitations. Combine a 'Tomb' head with an 'Invasion' body and have a few newly sculpted wires and hey presto! CO wouldn't even have to go to the extent of tweaking the headsculpt to add the unique mouthpiece, just give us some different paint variation and i'm sure collectors would lap it up. I know i'd be buying a few. We know this sculpt exists so it's not too far beyond the realm of possibility to see this happening.

For the other two figures, a re-release of the 2nd Doctor could happen, or better still, tweak the headsculpt to add a hat and mould a removable life jacket to give us the Doctor as he appears in 'Fury From The Deep'. This would give a fresh twist on a previously familiar figure. For the third figure, i'm sure we'd all love to see a figure of Jamie McCrimmon (I know I certainly would) but a simpler alternative would be a darker green Ice Warrior from the Peladon stories. Not only would this be a simple variant, but it would also give us some Ice Warriors for our Jon Pertwee shelves.

So those are my predictions for the three sets. There are dozens of other possible repaints that could be done but those are my predictions based on whats relevant/ wanted and if CO are going to follow the same pattern as they did last year. It is worth noting that we're already basically getting two brand new figures in Yaz and Ryan so anything else is a bonus. I'm sure i'm wrong with some of these predictions and regardless I look forward to, hopefully, being surprised by what's coming up this summer.

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