Big Finish: The Lost Stories - Return Of The Cybermen!

Big Finish brought a little light to some otherwise quite gloomy times today by announcing the first release in the sixth series of lost stories; 'Return Of The Cybermen'!

The Lost Stories is a Big Finish range running since 2009 adapting television scripts that were never made into the audio format

'Return Of The Cybermen' was a story originally devised for Season 12 back in 1975. However when Gerry Davies' script was rewritten by Robert Holmes, the story became 'Revenge Of The Cybermen' - a story that we all know and love today. But now Gerry Davies' script has been rediscovered and has been adapted by John Dorney.

It'll be really interesting to listen to this one. Hearing Tom Baker fit back into his first season is something many of us thought would never happen so this is sure to be a treat! and to get a Cyberman story in line with 'The Tomb Of The Cybermen' and 'The Moonbase' is definitely gonna be an atmospheric treat.

'Return Of The Cybermen' can be pre-ordered now from for £12.99 on digital or £14.99 on CD. The story is set to be released in November 2021. - So we do have quite a wait!

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